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Humble Bundle is a great place to start if you’re unfamiliar with the idea of buying games online. And if, like the majority of gamers today, you already prefer to buy digital versions of your games, Humble Bundle provides excellent value.
In essence, it’s a digital marketplace where you can purchase “bundles” that include anything from video games (both old and new) to comics and even academic books/software at reduced pricing.
Then, is Humble Bundle reliable and worthwhile? Yes, it’s true. It has been operating since 2010, and tens of thousands of subscribers and several independent reviews can attest to its successful track record. Concerning whether it’s worthwhile, I firmly believe it is.
Know About Humble Bundle
The majority of internet stores function in a very uniform manner. You visit the site, search for a game you like, compare prices, and buy it. However, Humble Bundle is more of a “pay what you want” marketplace where you may set the price. Additionally, you don’t get to choose the specific game; rather, you must buy a bundle of at least six games at a steep discount.
Why Should You Pick Humble Bundle?
In addition to the “pay what you want” business model, Humble Bundle offers you the choice of precisely how much of your money goes to whoever. How much is distributed among publishers, the storefront, developers, etc. Additionally, a percentage of each sale is contributed to charity on top of everything else. They have given more than 185 million to charitable organizations worldwide as of this writing.
Is Humble Bundle Trustworthy?
They are really trustworthy. Since its extremely modest (get it?) beginnings in 2010, it has grown into a sizable digital marketplace that competes with services like GoG, Steam, Origin, and others. According to this story from 2017, they now have over 60 workers and its headquarters is in San Francisco, California. It’s not some sketchy 2-bit organization that steals your credit card information and sells stolen keys.
Is Humble Bundle Cheap?
You’ll often hear Humble Bundle mention how they provide you with a game bundle valued at $200 or more for just $15 or $20. So, how do they manage to accomplish it? First off, the reported value is seriously inaccurate. Some games are older; thus, the publisher is prepared to offer them for a short time at much lower costs than they were when they were first released. This will increase the game’s popularity and draw more players to it.
What Sort Of Bundles Does Humble Bundle Offer?
The monthly game bundles you get from Humble Bundle vary, and they are undoubtedly their biggest selling point. Humble’s curators choose titles from a huge collection of games while balancing genres to ensure that there is something for everyone. Do not like fighting? There are platformers there. Not a fan of shooters? RPGs and racing games are available.
Is Humble Bundle PC Exclusive?
On Humble Bundle, you may discover games that are cross-platform that can be used on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Even while console packages are exceedingly uncommon, they do sometimes exist. Gaming packages on Android were formerly available, but they have all but disappeared. You’ll need a PC to play the monthly game selection if you subscribe to Humble Choice since they are all PC games.
How Does Humble Choice Work?
Simply explained, this is a monthly membership with three tiers that grants you access to game bundles, discounts, and other goodies in the Humble game shop. The monthly game bundles you get from Humble Choice, which vary, are of course its major selling point. Humble’s curators choose titles from a huge collection of games while balancing genres to ensure that there is something for everyone.
Humble Bundle Levels
- Lite: For $4.99, you may access the Humble Trove and save 10% on purchases made at the Humble Store.
- Basic: You pay $14.99, get all that Lite has to offer, and get to choose three games from the monthly curation.
- Access to the Humble Trove, 20% off of purchases made in the Humble Store, and most
- Importantly, you get access to nine games each month.
Alternatives To Humble Bundle
There is Steam, which does not provide DRM-free choices similar to Humble Bundle and does not support charitable organizations. However, Steam outperforms other PC stores in terms of pricing and promotional deals. Rarely will you come across a shop that provides greater savings on well-known titles. There’s a reason their sales are discussed in the global gaming community weeks before the event.
Additionally, Steam boasts the largest game collection of any digital shop. Then there is GOG, a significant advocate of DRM-free games. You may choose from a carefully chosen collection of games for players of all ages and across a variety of genres, including 90s oldies and AAA current masterpieces.
Final Verdict
In conclusion, Humble Bundle is one of the game industry’s top value-for-money offerings. Spend a few dollars, obtain some excellent independent games that might otherwise go unrecognized, and support a worthy cause at the same time. Alternately, you may join Humble Choice and get one AAA game, DLC, vintage AAAs, AAs, and top-notch indies.